"When have you stood up for something you believed in?"
Please send us your story of taking a stand for something you believed in – short and sweet – and we will post it on this webpage, our youtube page, and our facebook page. Your story will be part of the continuing history of free speech and activism – and inspire others the same way Yetta continues to.
UPDATE: Despite instructions to send your video to another email address in the video, please send your video to orangegrovesandjailsfilm@gmail.com - thank you!
Here’s how to do it:
1) Get together with a friend or two (it’s more fun to do with someone else) in a relatively quiet place if possible
2) Take a video (with the camera held horizontally) of your friend telling you when they have stood up for something they believed in – with a smart-phone, iPad, camera on your computer, skype, or video camera. (Then have your friend take a video of you doing the same) – try to make sure the resolution isn’t too high since this is for web use.
3) OR you can send a photo of yourself someplace where you were taking a stand for something important to you (write a description when you send the file)
4) Download the files onto your computer or send it directly from your camera/phone
Send us the file using wetransfer:
5) Go to https://www.wetransfer.com/
6) Press “Add files” and upload your video file; any format will be fine (we will convert it if necessary)
7) Send it to: orangegrovesandjailsfilm@gmail.com
8) Enter your email address so we know how to reach you if we have questions
9) In the message please write your name and email – and write “I give you permission to use my video on the youtube channel and the website for ‘The Land of Orange Groves & Jails.’” Please tell us if you do NOT want us to use your first name with the video. And tell us anything else you want us to know!
Any questions? Email us at: orangegrovesandjailsfilm@gmail.com
Thank you! We look forward to hearing from you!