“People talked about your film for months afterwards! One student was so moved that she began rethinking the prejudices of her family…” - - university professor
The primary goal of the film is to encourage an understanding of free speech as an active process of thinking about and standing up for your beliefs. Test screenings have inspired students of almost all ages, diverse activists and communities, union members, and scholars teaching in many fields.
The film will be at the heart of a community engagement campaign with local and national partners that will explore the meaning of activism and free speech - and highlight:
Youth Activism: As activism grows around the globe, the film highlights the historic importance of young activists and their central role in social change;
"I find it remarkable how Yetta saw her efforts as nothing more than what
she had to do. Her story helps put things back in perspective for me and
makes me wonder what I can do to improve society." - university student
Exercising Our Rights As An Active Process: The film will look at free speech as an active process of learning, critical thinking, and standing up for your beliefs.
Free Speech Is A Verb!
Inter-generational Stories: As a multi-generational story, it will encourage viewers to search their own families and communities for stories of activism and opportunities to work for justice.
Linking The Past With The Present: Screenings and workshops will link the past portrayed in the film with the present, help us learn from our histories, discover what organizing is, and showcase young activists (past and present) across the country.
“I honestly thought it was going to bore me but as I watched it it taught
me new things… I like how these former teenage activists are telling their
stories and their struggles – they were so brave.” - - high school student
Please contact us at orangegrovesandjailsfilm@gmail.com if you have questions or you'd like to join our community outreach campaign.
“I loved the film. It shows the background of our hood. And how important it is to speak up and have knowledge…I liked that it was young people standing up for themselves." - - high school student
“My students loved the film and had a strong memory of what they’d seen a week later – that is a great sign that the film sticks with people.” - - university professor
“A lot of people like me, who aren’t activists and are now in the corporate groove - our vision has narrowed. The film is a reminder to me what’s going on. My first response is WOW! It is very, very important and inspiring.” - - art director
“I think your aunt should accept the fact that this was a big-time victory… Here is the Court saying ‘we won’t hear you when you tell us that this speech in the name of security must be suppressed. What we’re telling you is that security is enhanced by allowing more speech.” - - Floyd Abrams, 1st Amendment attorney